The Common
Produced by Coney
November 2016/17 Theatre Delicatessen, May 2017 The Barbican, March 2018 Battersea Arts Centre
The Common is a series of interactive games that take you on a journey where audiences have to make choices based on their political mindsets. It first stemmed from a game devised by me and Tassos Stevens called ‘More Like’ which explored our political differences as a product of who we are. It’s a game of young vs old, past vs future.
This was the first project that I had been involved in which was solely immersive theatre. The skills I learnt from The Common are featured in a lot of my current work. Coney taught me the importance of playtests whilst curating audience participation theatre. The Common was an amazing experience, I met interesting artists, slept over at BAC and lip-synced to rock songs. I am currently doing more research into where it should go next and, why.
As an associate of Coney, among other projects, I have been creating an online game called Animal School. It’s a game whereby players find out their learning styles and complete a series of challenges playing to their strengths. An indirect to the education system which often goes against pupils rather than getting to know them and bringing the best out of them.
Key Creatives: Tassos Stevens, Afreena Islam, Iain Bloomfield, Emma Frankland and Michael Adewale